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Are Blackberries Acidic? (Juice, Jam & Syrup)

Lisa Price
Last Updated on
by Lisa Price

Do you enjoy berries? They come in different shapes in sizes — from the smallest blueberry to the biggest, spikiest pineapple.

Blackberries are identical to raspberries in acidity and are slightly less acidic than the other berries. Despite their acidity, they shouldn’t be harmful to patients suffering from acid reflux and GERD if eaten in moderate amounts and alongside foods with greater alkalinity.


pH Value of Blackberries

Blackberries are acidic fruits with pH levels ranging from 3.2 to 3.6. Washington blackberries have pH 3.85 – 4.50.

Their acidity is measured through the pH scale, which is divided into three categories — alkaline, neutral, and acidic — and has numbers ranging from 0 to 14. Neutral foods and liquids have a pH of 7, everything above is alkaline, and anything below 7 is considered acidic.

Blackberries are one of the least acidic berries. They go hand in hand with raspberries in acidity. Blueberries are slightly more acidic, with a pH of 3.1 — 3.4. Strawberries have a pH of 3 — 3.5, while gooseberries have a pH of 2.8 — 3, making them the most acidic of the berry family.

Do Blackberries Cause Acid Reflux and GERD?

Acid Reflux
Acid Reflux

Blackberries have an acidic pH and can trigger acid reflux if eaten frequently and in large amounts. But they are safe to consume if you eat them from time to time and in moderate amounts.

The backward rush of gastric acid into the esophagus is known as acid reflux. This can happen after eating a lot of acidic foods. The result is heartburn, a burning sensation in your chest.

GERD or gastroesophageal reflux disease is a more severe form of reflux, occurring more often than twice a week. Symptoms include frequent heartburn, difficulty swallowing, coughing, wheezing, and chest pain when sleeping.

Does the Fiber in Blackberries Reduce Acid Reflux and Gerd?

Fiber is known to aid your body’s digestion by soaking up the excess liquid in your stomach, and blackberries are a good source of soluble fiber. Studies have shown that the consumption of foods containing soluble fiber can slow down the movement of food through your digestive system.

Overeating is one of the primary reasons for acid reflux or GERD. Luckily, foods containing soluble fiber can reduce feelings of hunger and leave you feeling full for longer.

How Many Blackberries Is Safe to Eat During Acid Reflux and Gerd?

If you have acid reflux or GERD, start with a third of a cup of blackberries and watch how your stomach responds. If you have no unpleasant reactions after two hours or longer, you can consume a little bit more. The key is moderation.

You can eat blackberries every day, but you should limit how many you consume during the day. The fruit shouldn’t be ingested in large amounts because doing so might shock your digestive system.

If you eat smaller servings at first, your stomach may be able to thoroughly absorb the blackberries and tolerate greater portions in the future.

Depending on the severity of your acid reflux, different berries and fruits may trigger different reactions, if any.

Are Blackberry Products Acidic?

Most blackberry products are acidic — juice, jam, syrup, frozen, and canned blackberries.

Blackberry juice is acidic and probably not a suitable choice if you have acid reflux. Commercial fruit juices are deficient in fiber, which has been shown to improve digestion and lessen acid reflux. Commercial juice contains added sugars, which can impede digestion and worsen heartburn.

Blackberry juice
Blackberry juice

The same is true of jams and syrup since they are low in fiber and rich in sugar. Because of the added chemicals and preservatives, canned blackberries are frequently more acidic than fresh ones.

The pH levels of frozen and fresh berries are the same.

All things considered, it’s advisable to eat whole berries rather than juices, jams, and jellies if you have acid reflux and GERD.

How to Include Blackberries in an Alkaline Diet?

It’s simple — make an alkaline smoothie!

Your body needs alkaline sources to control the pH balance, and drinking a smoothie is a quick and convenient way to make that happen.


When making a smoothie, combine blackberries with alkaline foods like kale, coconut milk, banana, cantaloupe, or honeydew. Spinach, banana, watermelon, and coconut yogurt also make a great mix.

Feel free to combine these berries with other alkaline foods; once you get the hang of it, you’ll be able to create tasty smoothies that battle acidity and balance your body’s pH levels.


Blackberries have an acidic pH and may worsen symptoms of acid reflux and GERD if you consume too much. Still, compared to other berries, they are among the least acidic in nature.

Despite their acidity, consuming a modest amount of these berries can be safe. That might be because they are rich in fiber, and fiber absorbs stomach acids. So start with a third of a cup and observe how your body responds, or mix them with some alkaline foods in smoothies.

When it comes to products made from this fruit, it’s best to skip them because they are poor in fiber and rich in sugars, additives, and preservatives. You can include frozen berries in your smoothie to make it more refreshing since they have the same pH value as fresh ones. 

About Lisa Price
Lisa Price
Lisa is Food Champ's resident fitness enthusiast and nutrition expert. She holds a nutrition degree in her home state of Florida and works for a large health system to ensure sound nutrition and dietetics information is passed on to all members.
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