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Freezing Deviled Eggs: Everything You Need to Know

Maria Foster
Last Updated on
by Maria Foster

Deviled eggs are delicious hors d’oeuvres that leave you wanting more, but can you freeze deviled eggs for later?

Well, kind of, but you have to separate the filling.

In this guide, I’ll let you know how to store and freeze deviled eggs properly.

can you freeze deviled eggs

Look out for my top tips to keep your deviled eggs in the best shape.

Can Deviled Eggs Be Frozen?

Deviled eggs can be partially frozen and kept for later.

Let me explain.

Specifically, you can freeze the “deviled” mixture you put inside the eggs, but you cannot freeze the egg whites.

The whites become extremely tough and rubber-like when frozen, and they’ll release a lot of water if you try to thaw them.

Either way, they won’t be particularly good.

How To Freeze Deviled Eggs

The first step to freezing deviled eggs is separating the deviled mixture from the egg whites.

I’ve found that, in most cases, you can do this with a spoon.

If you want to eat the whites, eat them immediately. Otherwise, it’s better to dispose of them.

Once the filling is ready, ensure it’s cooled to at least room temperature. If it’s hot, it will let off a lot of steam as it freezes, which could ultimately ruin the mixture.

After it’s cool, put all of the mixture into a resealable, freezer-safe plastic bag. Leave at least one inch of space (for a sandwich-sized bag) or proportionately more if you’re freezing many eggs.

The extra space is because the deviled eggs will expand as they freeze. If you fill the bag completely, it will pop open, ruining the egg mixture.

Once your filling is inside the bag, roll and squeeze the bag to get out as much air as possible.

That also helps prevent bacteria from growing and maximizes the longevity of your deviled eggs while they’re in the freezer.

When the air is out, carefully seal the bag while ensuring you don’t let more air inside.

If you plan to freeze the eggs for more than a few days, wrap the bag in aluminum foil before putting it in the freezer.

This further limits how well moisture can move back and forth, protecting the eggs from damage.

How To Thaw Deviled Eggs After Freezing Them

The easiest way to thaw deviled eggs is to leave them in your fridge overnight.

Do not thaw the mixture at room temperature. That could let bacteria grow, threatening anyone who eats the thawed eggs.

Letting them warm to fridge temperature will keep them flavorful and, even more importantly, safe for you to consume.

If you want to warm the mixture after thawing, you can do that in a microwave.

Put some water in a microwave-safe cup while you’re heating the eggs, and heat that simultaneously.

The steam from the cup will help stop the deviled eggs from drying out when you reheat them.

Alternatively, you can thaw a bag of frozen deviled eggs by running them under cold running water.

This isn’t quite as effective as thawing them in the fridge, but it’s significantly faster and an acceptable substitute if you’re low on time or forgot to put the deviled eggs in the fridge.

can you freeze deviled eggs

How Long Do Deviled Eggs Stay Good In The Freezer?

About three weeks.

Eggs are significantly more delicate than most other types of food. Even with a thick, airtight container aided by aluminum foil, deviled eggs will go bad relatively quickly.

It’s generally safer and easier to make and consume the entire mix when you want it rather than freezing deviled eggs to use later.

How Does Freezing Deviled Eggs Affect Their Flavor?

That depends on how much you’ve done with them and what else you’ve added.

Adding sugar or salt to uncooked egg yolks before freezing them helps improve their overall texture, but generally, freezing yolks or whites does not affect their flavor.

Cooked whites are a different story and tend to be unpalatable after freezing, as I mentioned earlier.

Can You Freeze Deviled Eggs With Other Foods?

You shouldn’t. Even if it’s possible to freeze other foods, it’s better to freeze them separately and only combine them when you’re ready to serve them.

Otherwise, they may thaw strangely or at different paces.

Worse, they could spread bacteria to each other when thawing.

Are There Any Other Ways To Freeze Eggs?

Yes. While deviled eggs are relatively hard to freeze and won’t stay good for long, there are other ways to prepare eggs for freezing.

This is useful if you want to prepare a lot of egg dishes at once for later.

For raw eggs, separate the yolks and the whites and freeze them separately. Some people put the whites from eggs into ice cube trays for the initial freezing, which makes it easy to get as much as you need later.

Egg yolks will become gelatinous if you freeze them as-is. This will make them near-impossible to use for any regular cooking method.

I would recommend you beat the yolks, then add 1/8 of a teaspoon of salt or 1 1/2 teaspoons of sugar to the yolks before freezing them.

This will keep the yolks smoother and help them freeze and thaw better. Be sure to label your container with the additive you used.

You can freeze whole eggs (a mix of the yolk and the whites) for up to one year.

Mixing them helps protect the contents and is useful if you want to use the mixture in recipes later.

However, this is still inferior to using fresh eggs, so it’s better to avoid this unless you need the room in the fridge and can’t eat the eggs normally.

How Long Can You Keep Deviled Eggs In The Refrigerator?

Like most other cooked egg dishes, you can keep deviled eggs in the fridge for about three days before they start to go bad.

Final Thoughts

You can’t freeze the entirety of your deviled eggs, but you can freeze the filling.

Freezing deviled eggs, however, like freezing other egg dishes, is difficult at best and not a great long-term option.

It is possible, especially if you have more eggs than you know what to do with, but it’s not ideal.

I recommend storing your deviled eggs in the fridge instead if you need to make them in advance.


What is the best way to store deviled eggs?

The best way to store deviled eggs is in an airtight container in the refrigerator, keeping the egg whites and filling separate if possible.

Is it better to make deviled eggs the day before or the day of?

It’s better to make deviled eggs the day of serving to ensure freshness, though you can boil the eggs a day ahead and store them in the fridge.

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About Maria Foster
Maria Foster
Maria Foster is a mother of 3 and she and her husband of 23 years share their home with 2 faithful dogs. Besides being CEO of the household and active in her community, Maria is the lead contributor to Food Champs and loves to try new food ideas and kitchen accessories to make easier and more delicious meals.
Maria Foster
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