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Can You Freeze Marshmallows?

Maria Foster
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by Maria Foster

Marshmallows are just as tasty on their own as they are added to desserts. Their chewy, fluffy, creamy texture is the perfect complement to crunchy graham crackers and chocolate, but they also go great sprinkled on top of an ice cream sundae.

When you see marshmallows in the store, it’s easy to go overboard and buy too many. Now what? You don’t want your marshmallows to go bad, but you also know you can’t eat them all before they go stale in the pantry.

Can you freeze marshmallows? That’s what we’re exploring in this article, and the answer is yes. You can prevent marshmallows from turning into a globby, sticky mess by storing them long-term in your freezer.

Make the most of your marshmallow collection by following the instructions to freeze your marshmallows below.

How to Freeze Marshmallows

Freezing marshmallows is a simple process that just takes a few steps – then you’ll be on your way to fresh-frozen marshmallows that you can enjoy for the coming weeks and months.

1. Divide

First, you’ll want to divide your marshmallows up into smaller sections, so you don’t freeze them all into one massive marshmallow. If you’re dealing with large marshmallows, create piles of six marshmallows each. If you’re freezing the miniature-sized marshmallows, measure out 6 tbsp of marshmallows per group.

Keep them separate from each other so you can count them all up.

2. Prepare Wrapping Materials

With your marshmallows spread out into small groups as instructed above, you can prepare the wrapping materials you’ll need to wrap up each group.

Count the piles of marshmallows you have. Tear off that many sheets of either aluminum foil or plastic wrap, whichever you prefer. For example, if you have seven piles of marshmallows, cut off seven pieces of aluminum foil large enough to cover the entire surface area of the candies.

3. Roll-Up

Place each piece of foil or saran wrap beneath the piles of marshmallows. Make sure the marshmallows are condensed into one corner.

One by one, roll the wrap tightly around the marshmallows, beginning with the corner they’re sitting on and going from there. Try to keep each wrap as tight as possible to minimize the amount of air that seeps in.

4. Contain

For extra precaution, we recommend adding another layer of protection between the freezer and your marshmallows. Can you freeze marshmallows without this extra layer? Sure, but they might not last as long.

To contain them further, find a glass or plastic container with an airtight lid. Place all of your wrapped marshmallow pouches into the container, being careful not to squish any of the marshmallows too much. Keep as much air out of this container as possible.

5. Label

Before your container of marshmallows can go in the freezer, it’s always helpful to label the container with the contents and either the date of storage or recommended “use by” date. To do this, write the information on a piece of tape and stick the tape somewhere you’ll easily be able to see it on the container.

6. Freeze

Place your marshmallows somewhere in the freezer where you can see them, so you don’t forget they’re in there!

Can marshmallows be frozen forever? While they won’t last forever, they’ll last you for several months or even a year.

How to Store Marshmallows

Marshmallows aren’t typically stored in the freezer for short periods of time, but it’s a great long-term keeping place for marshmallows you know you won’t use immediately.

While freezing is the best way to store marshmallows long-term, if you’re planning to use your marshmallows for an upcoming recipe, here’s how to keep marshmallows fresh.


The same principle applies when storing marshmallows in the freezer or the refrigerator. The idea is that you’re storing the candies in a cool, dry place where moisture and heat won’t be able to reach them.

What you need to consider is that there is a slightly higher humidity content in the fridge than in the freezer. To offset this slight change, you can sprinkle a bit of cornstarch or powdered sugar over the marshmallows before wrapping them up and placing them in a container. You don’t even need to wrap them individually – just transfer them to a Tupperware, add the powder, and give it a shake to ensure all the candies get coated.

You can leave them in the refrigerator like this for 2-3 months.


There’s always the pantry, too. Most marshmallow bag instructions will tell you to store them in the pantry, but if you want them to last longer, there’s a trick you can use to extend their pantry life.

Place a piece of white bread into the opened marshmallow bag. Alternatively, you can pour the bag into a plastic container and add the bread there. Seal it and place it back in the pantry.

The bread pulls moisture away from the marshmallows, keeping them from getting soggy.

How Long Do Marshmallows Last?

An unopened bag of marshmallows can last upwards of a month in the pantry without any help. If you open it, that same bag will last just one to two weeks.
Marshmallows 2

However, refrigerating or freezing marshmallows will exponentially increase their lifespan. In the refrigerator, they can last between two and three months. In the freezer, they can last from three to 12 months, maybe even longer.

Ways to Use Frozen Marshmallows

Want to get creative with your leftover frozen marshmallows? Once you defrost your frozen marshmallows, there are many different ways to enjoy them!

To defrost, simply remove a pouch of marshmallows from the freezer and place them on the countertop for a few hours to allow them to reach room temperature.

Then, try using them in these unique ways for a tasty treat:

  • Sandwich them between two buttery crackers and dip the sandwich in chocolate before freezing.
  • Add them to your favorite cereal mix for a new spin on rice crispy treats.
  • Sprinkle them on top of your favorite ice cream.
  • Make a sandwich with wheat bread, peanut butter, and marshmallows.

What treat sounds the best to you?

Fresh Marshmallows for Months

As soon as you open a bag of marshmallows, the lifespan countdown for these tasty little candies begins.

If you want to get the most out of your marshmallows and enjoy fresh marshmallows for months, freeze them while they’re fresh and enjoy them whenever you feel like it!

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About Maria Foster
Maria Foster
Maria Foster is a mother of 3 and she and her husband of 23 years share their home with 2 faithful dogs. Besides being CEO of the household and active in her community, Maria is the lead contributor to Food Champs and loves to try new food ideas and kitchen accessories to make easier and more delicious meals.
Maria Foster
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