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What Does Asiago Cheese Taste Like?: A Quick Guide

Maria Foster
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by Maria Foster

If you are a big cheese fan, then you will likely be familiar with a wide range of different cheeses. There are so many different types of cheese out there, and that gives you lots of different cheeses to choose from.

But it can also make it pretty difficult to keep track of all the different types. 

What Does Asiago Cheese Taste Like A Quick Guide

One type of cheese that you may have heard of is Asiago cheese. Asiago cheese is an Italian cheese that is often used in creating pizzas, or on top of soups and salads.

It is a popular cheese well-known for its delicious flavor. But what exactly is the flavor of this cheese?

Well, that’s an excellent question. Asiago cheese is a cheese that is well-known for its nutty and buttery flavor.

In this guide, we’re taking a look at everything you need to know about what Asiago cheese tastes like. 

Read on to find out more! 

What Is Asiago Cheese?

First things first, let’s take a look at what Asiago cheese is. As we have already mentioned, Asiago cheese is a cheese that comes from Italy and it is commonly used in soup and salads, as well as on pizzas. 

It is a semi-soft cheese, with a rich and flavorful taste. Asiago is nutty, buttery, and sharp all in one, and that is what makes it so popular.

This cheese tastes different when used in different dishes, so you can use it to add a sharp tang to one dish, or a buttery flavor to another, it will ultimately depend on the dish that you are making. 

As an Italian cheese, Asiago is often used on pizzas. But in Italy, it is also commonly grated and sprinkled over the top of salads and soups.

Just a small amount of Asiago cheese can be enough to fill a dish with flavor, and that is simply because Asiago is a very robust cheese. 

If you are wondering where the name “Asiago” comes from, then you will be interested to hear that it is named after the location in which it was first created.

This is common among Italian cheeses, and in this case, it is named after the location of the monastery where monks first made this delicious cheese. 

Like a lot of traditional cheeses, Asiago is made entirely with cow’s milk and it is often made into wheels.

However, it is sometimes made into triangles too, and it is this type of Asiago that is often compared with brie. With that in mind, let’s take a quick look at the nutrients in Asiago cheese.

Asiago Cheese Nutritional Information

Some types of cheese are incredibly fattening, however, Asiago cheese isn’t one of them. Asiago cheese is a low-sodium cheese, making it one of the healthier options out there. 

In addition to being low in sodium, Asiago cheese is also high in calcium. The large amount of calcium in this cheese makes it very good for you, and it has been associated with reducing the risk of certain medical conditions.

From osteoporosis to cardiovascular disease, consuming Asiago cheese can reduce the risk of you developing these conditions. 

If you are on a diet, then Asiago cheese might be a good choice for you. As we have said, this cheese is very low in fat, and it is actually one of the cheeses with the lowest fat content out there. This combined with its flavor makes it super popular among cheese fans. 

So, if you are searching for a cheese that is low in fat, low in sodium, and high in flavor, Asiago cheese could be a good cheese to start using in your diet. 

What Does Asiago Cheese Taste Of? 

Now that we’ve taken a good look at what Asiago cheese is, and at the nutrition information regarding this cheese, let’s answer the question you’ve been waiting for.

It’s clear that Asiago cheese is delicious and nutritious, but what does it actually taste like? Let’s find out. 

Well as we said earlier, Asiago cheese is an interesting cheese. It has a buttery and nutty flavor that can be sharp at times, but can also be mild. is very flavorful and this is why it is so widely used in cooking.

You can add Asiago cheese to lots of different dishes to transform the flavor, and that is what makes it so great. 

Asiago is a semi-soft cheese, and a lot of people report that it tastes almost sweet. This cheese has a strong flavor but lacks the savory tang that cheeses, such as cheddar and red Leicester, have.

Its flavor mainly comes from the milk that is used to make it, as it is always made using either whole or partially skimmed milk. 

When you first taste Asiago cheese, we’re pretty confident that you will compare this cheese to Parmesan. When grated, Asiago cheese has a flavor and texture that mirrors Parmesan, and you can often use these cheeses interchangeably.

But because Asiago is so much more versatile than Parmesan, it will always be the better cheese in our opinion. 

So, in short, Asiago cheese has a buttery and nutty flavor that is almost sweet in flavor. It is rich and sharp at times, and that is why it can be enjoyed in chunks and grated over the top of dishes too. It is a brilliant cheese that you will use time and time again! 

Is Asiago Cheese Spicy?

For some reason, a lot of people hear the name “Asiago cheese” and expect this cheese to be spicy. It is unclear why so many people believe this, but it is clear that Asiago cheese isn’t spicy at all

Asiago cheese, as we have just established, is a nutty and buttery cheese, and it has absolutely no spice to it. It is filled with flavor, and it does have a sharp tang.

But this tang comes from the flavor of the cheese, rather than any spice. 

So, this cheese is great for adding a sharp tang to a grilled cheese sandwich or a dish of tomato soup. But it is by no means spicy. 

What Can I Use Asiago Cheese For?

There are tons of different things that Asiago cheese can be used for, and this is part of what makes this cheese so popular.

Asiago cheese is very versatile, and this semi-soft cheese can be enjoyed in lots of different ways.

Asiago cheese can be used inside things that you create in the kitchen. You could use Asiago cheese in a pie that you prepare yourself, in a risotto, or even in something as simple as grilled cheese.

Asiago cheese will add a new dimension to the flavor and create a delicious dish. 

As well as being used in things, Asiago cheese also tastes outstanding when it is used to garnish dishes.

If you have made a delicious homemade soup, consider sprinkling some Asiago on top for some additional flavor. This also works very well when Asiago cheese is added on top of pasta dishes, salads, and lots more. 

Or, you could simply consume Asiago cheese on its own. If you have created a cheese board, then Asiago cheese is a great cheese to include, we’re certain you won’t be disappointed! 

Substitutes For Asiago Cheese

Finally, let’s wrap this up by taking a look at some substitutes for Asiago cheese. We’ve all been in that nightmare situation where you cannot find the cheese that you need for a recipe.

So, if this happens to you, you should consider replacing your Asiago cheese with one of the following:

Asiago cheese isn’t always the easiest to find in the grocery store, so if need be, feel free to substitute your Asiago cheese for one of the above. It won’t be quite the same as Asiago cheese, but it will do the job nicely! 


In short, Asiago cheese is a very rich cheese with a nutty and buttery flavor. In terms of flavor, this cheese is comparable to brie or Gouda, and it is most popular among fans of these types of cheese. 

In this guide, we’ve taken a look at everything you need to know about what Asiago cheese tastes like, and lots more. 

We hope this quick guide has been helpful – thank you for reading!

About Maria Foster
Maria Foster
Maria Foster is a mother of 3 and she and her husband of 23 years share their home with 2 faithful dogs. Besides being CEO of the household and active in her community, Maria is the lead contributor to Food Champs and loves to try new food ideas and kitchen accessories to make easier and more delicious meals.
Maria Foster
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