If you are a cheese lover, then you have likely heard of Gorgonzola cheese. Gorgonzola is a unique cheese that can be enjoyed when it is fresh and young, just as it can be enjoyed when it is old and aged.
It is a versatile cheese that is loved by many, and it is easy to see why once you give it a taste.
Of course, if you’ve never tasted Gorgonzola before, then you likely won’t know where to begin. This cheese has a flavor that is totally unique to other types of cheese and is incredibly delicious.
But it is also a flavor that is difficult to explain, and that is mainly because the flavor of this cheese changes dramatically depending on its age.
When it is young, Gorgonzola has a soft and creamy flavor and consistency. As it grows older, the Gorgonzola develops a strong and pungent flavor. In this guide, we’ll be taking a deeper look at exactly what Gorgonzola tastes like.
So, if you want to find out more about this unique, yet delicious cheese, keep on reading!
What Is Gorgonzola?
First things first, let’s take a look at exactly what Gorgonzola is. As we have established, Gorgonzola is a type of cheese, and like many kinds of cheese, it is made using pasteurized cow’s milk.
Gorgonzola belongs to the blue cheese family, and as a result, it has a flavor that not everyone loves.
When it comes to blue cheeses, you either love them or hate them. Some people absolutely adore blue cheese, while others avoid them like the plague. Your views on this style of cheese will ultimately influence whether, or not, you like Gorgonzola.
Gorgonzola is a cheese of Italian origin. It is named after the Italian town in which it was first created, and is famous for the blue veins that streak through the cheese, giving it a marble look.
There are a number of different old wives’ tales about the origin of Gorgonzola. The most famous is that its creator made Gorgonzola cheese by accident one day when his lover distracted him so much that he left his curds of cheese overnight.
The next day, spores of blue mold were among the curds, so he mixed new and old curds together to try to cover his tracks.
It is impossible to know for certain if this is the true creation story of Gorgonzola cheese. But it is a fact that the majority of Gorgonzola made today is still produced in Northern Italy and then exported across the world.
Generally, this cheese tastes best after around 4 months of aging, but what does it taste like? Let’s find out!
What Does Gorgonzola Taste Of?
As we said earlier, Gorgonzola is famous for its unique flavor, and it is this unique flavor that has made it so popular. Like most blue cheeses, Gorgonzola has a strong scent that matches its acquired taste.
However, out of the different types of blue cheese, it is one of the most palatable for those who don’t usually like this style of cheese.
Gorgonzola is created by mixing pasteurized cow’s milk with a starter mold. The starter mold gives the cheese its blue veins, and the pasteurized cow’s milk gives it its consistency. Gorgonzola is a soft blue cheese with a very creamy texture.
The fact that it is solely made with cow’s milk gives it a milder flavor than other blue cheeses that mix cow’s milk and goat’s milk.
The mold in the Gorgonzola gives it a nutty aroma, while the milk gives it a milky aroma. For the most part, this cheese will be mild in flavor which is why it is one of the most popular styles of blue cheese.
When you eat Gorgonzola, you will find yourself having to remind yourself that it is a blue cheese, simply because the flavor is nowhere near as strong as that of other blue cheeses.
It is important to note, however, that there are some variations of Gorgonzola. So while the majority of this cheese will be mild in flavor, there are some types of Gorgonzola that will be a lot stronger.
Ultimately, the strength of the flavor will depend on how aged the cheese is. The older the Gorgonzola, the stronger the flavor will be.
How To Cook With Gorgonzola
If you love the flavor of Gorgonzola, then the best thing that you can do is cook with this cheese. Blue cheese is excellent to cook with simply because of its delicious flavor, and there are tons of different things that you can make with Gorgonzola.
A lot of people will choose to enjoy their Gorgonzola raw with crackers and a glass of red wine. But there are so many other delicious ways to enjoy this cheese. One of our favorite ways is to use this cheese to make pasta.
You really cannot beat a pasta sauce created using cheese, and Gorgonzola is rich enough in flavor to create a truly delicious sauce.
Simply add a small chunk of Gorgonzola to any pasta sauce and it will add a whole new layer of flavor to the sauce, you really will not be disappointed!
Of course, regular pasta and sauce aren’t the only way to enjoy Gorgonzola. If you love this cheese, then you should taste it when it is used to make ravioli, risotto, or gnocchi.
As we said earlier, this is a cheese of Italian origin, so it really isn’t a surprise that it works incredibly well with Italian cuisine.
This cheese really is so delicious that no matter how you cook it, we’re confident that you’ll enjoy your meal. As long as you love the flavor of Gorgonzola, you will enjoy whatever you cook with it!
In short, Gorgonzola is a cheese that has a flavor that changes depending on how old the cheese is.
When Gorgonzola is young, the flavor is milder as the cheese is creamy and soft in consistency. But as the cheese grows older and stiffer, the flavor becomes a lot more pungent and strong. So, when you eat this cheese will have a huge impact on how it tastes.
In this guide, we’ve told you everything that you need to know about Gorgonzola cheese. Thanks for reading!
Frequently Asked Question
Yes, Gorgonzola is similar to blue cheese. So similar, in fact, that Gorgonzola is actually a type of blue cheese. Just like other blue cheeses, it has veins of blue through it because Gorgonzola is part of the blue cheese family.