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What To Serve With Black Beans? 8 Of The Tastiest Side Dishes To Consider

Maria Foster
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by Maria Foster

The earthy and sweet flavor of black beans is hard to resist after you’ve tasted it for the first time, and while they make for a delightful snack after a long day at work or when you want something to enjoy while settling down for the evening, there are plenty of side ingredients you can pair them with to enhance their flavor tremendously. 

What To Serve With Black Beans? 8 Of The Tastiest Side Dishes To Consider

Of course, since black beans are already incredibly easy to cook up on the stove, you don’t want to be adding in other side ingredients which can take much longer to prepare and can end up making the whole meal more effort than it’s worth to make. 

The good news is, there are plenty of easy-to-add side ingredients that you can mix in with a handful of black beans which are easy to grab.

They will immediately improve the incredibly sweet flavor and nutty texture of the beans as soon as they are mixed together. So without further ado, let’s take a look at some of the best side dishes and extra ingredients to serve with black beans. 

1. Garlic Roasted Vegetables

Black beans are already an incredibly healthy ingredient on their own, being packed full of antioxidants, along with Vitamins A and C, but if you want to make them even more nutritional so that you can create a meal to fit nicely into a healthy diet plan.

Simply roast a few of your favorite veggies for 20-30 minutes, and you’ll have a steaming bowl of healthy goodness to enjoy. 

Alongside your broccoli, zucchini, and carrots, you also can’t forget about the garlic and thyme which add an extra layer of flavor to the dish and acts as a delightful contrast to the nutty sweetness of the black beans. 

2. Bruschetta

Because of how flavorful and delicious it usually already is, many people wouldn’t normally consider bruschetta bread as being a side ingredient since it is commonly served on its own with a hint of olive and garlic splashed over the top.

But when you combine it with black beans, it really does elevate the flavor to a whole new level. 

The crispiness of the bread texture melds perfectly with the nutty black beans, giving you plenty to crunch down on.

If you really wanted to make the overall flavor as lively and vibrant as possible, you also can’t go wrong with resting a layer of fresh tomatoes over a bed of black beans on the top. 

The beauty of bruschetta, aside from its mouthwatering taste and texture, is how customizable it is, so be sure to experiment with mixing a few different ingredients with the bread to elevate the delicate sweetness of the beans.

3. Pork Tacos

Pork tacos are already incredibly easy to make, but when you stuff them full of black beans.

Not only does the sweetness of the beans enhance the intensity of the garlic, onions, and extra spices, but it also helps to keep the texture firm and crunchy if you’re serving up some soft tacos.

And if you plan to enjoy some crunchy tacos, then they will work just as well!

The earthy sensation provided by black beans actually compliments the spiciness incredibly well and can help to even it out so that it becomes a lot more bearable on the taste buds, so they can also be a great addition if you, or someone you know isn’t a big fan of their tacos being too hot and fiery. 

4. Chili & Meatballs

If you’re looking for a way to use black beans as part of a big and hearty meal that you can pass around the dinner table for everyone to enjoy.

You might want to try sprinkling them in with a classic bowl of spicy meatballs, bathed in an elegant and mouthwatering chili sauce.

While many people adore the tenderness of meatballs, there are also some who would prefer if the texture was just slightly firmer, and this is where black beans come in, providing some much-needed crunch without ever going overboard in the flavor or texture. 

Whether it’s for game day, a family dinner, or just a casual get-together with friends. Meatballs and black beans are perfect for those bigger and more lively occasions when you want to make something that you can be sure will leave everyone feeling satisfied. 

5. Sweet Potatoes

Load a halved sweet potato with black beans and a cheese of your choosing, and then place it into the oven until the cheese starts to melt and sizzle.

By the time you bring it out, you’ll have one of the tastiest and most eye-catching sweet potato recipes on your hands, making for a delightful treat to enjoy as a starter, or simply a solo meal to snack on later in the day. 

The mixture of cooked black beans and melted cheese creates an extremely appetizing texture that manages to perfectly balance being both creamy and crunchy at the same time. 

To finish this dish off, make sure to add a drizzle of lime juice over the top which will help to make the beans even sweeter while also keeping the potatoes moist and a joy to bite into. 

6. Avocado Salsa

If you’re in a hurry and need to leave the house as soon as possible, but you want a quick snack to get you ready for the day ahead, or if you simply need a refreshing small meal to enjoy while on your break at work.

Avocado salsa is an easy side-ingredient that is packed full of nutritious benefits and also tastes incredible to boot. 

The cilantro and herbs really do steal the show here, providing a very fresh and slightly citrus taste that helps to make the entire medley of ingredients taste so much more refreshing and uplifting, perfect for those warmer days in the spring and summer. 

The black beans help to even out this citrus flavor, keeping the overall flavor crunchy and sweet, and making each bite even more enjoyable than the last. 

7. Pickles

The incredibly potent flavor of pickles certainly isn’t for everyone. Still, when they are paired with some hot rice and black beans, it helps to cut through the richness, making them much nicer to eat.

You can enjoy these healthy low-calorie treats without being put off by that incredibly strong acidic sour flavor. 

The sweetness of the beans ensures that the pickles never become too overpowering, and the rice is there to pack the entire dish out, making it a small but filling meal that can be made in just a handful of minutes. 

8. Coleslaw

If you’ve never heard of Mexican coleslaw before, it is essentially a regular coleslaw dish loaded with a few extra spicy ingredients which help to ramp the heat up tremendously, which is a real treat for all those lovers of spicy food. 

Alongside the red onions, cilantro, and jalapenos, which always make an appearance in Mexican coleslaw recipes.

Black beans are another ingredient that are always included, primarily because their earthy aroma and nutty exterior compliments the other ingredients effortlessly. 

With that being said though, you don’t have to prepare your coleslaw dish with the intention of making it spicy.

If you simply want to make it as creamy as possible, black beans will still work just as well, especially if you soak them in salt water first to soften them up a little bit. 


Whether you want to make them more nutritious, or you simply like the idea of enhancing their nutty and sweet flavor, there are plenty of ways you can make black beans all the more appetizing.

So it can be worth having some fun and experimenting with some of these side ingredients and seeing which you enjoy the taste of the most so that you can easily whip them up again in the future. 

About Maria Foster
Maria Foster
Maria Foster is a mother of 3 and she and her husband of 23 years share their home with 2 faithful dogs. Besides being CEO of the household and active in her community, Maria is the lead contributor to Food Champs and loves to try new food ideas and kitchen accessories to make easier and more delicious meals.
Maria Foster
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