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How Long Does Salmon Last In The Fridge?

Maria Foster
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by Maria Foster

Do you have some leftover salmon and want to know how long it will last in the fridge? Maybe you aren’t sure what the best way to store salmon is?

How Long Does Salmon Last In The Fridge

Or are you curious about storing salmon and want to know more? No matter the reason that brought you here today, we have the answer for you!

Finding out how long salmon lasts in the fridge can be tricky, especially if you have never stored salmon before.

You head online for some guidance but are met with page after page of conflicting and contradicting information.

Frustrated and overwhelmed, you are left unsure where to turn or who to trust. How are you supposed to know how long salmon lasts in the fridge now?

Well, that is where we come swooping in to save the day! Keep reading to find out how long salmon lasts in the fridge and everything else you need to know about storing salmon.

By the end of today’s article, you will know the best and safest way to store your salmon and how long you should keep it for. 

So let’s not waste any more time and dive into today’s article today!

How Long Can Salmon Stay In The Fridge? 

How long salmon can be stored in the fridge depends on whether the salmon is cooked or raw. Don’t worry, we have the answers for both raw and cooked salmon below! 

Raw Salmon

Raw salmon should be stored in your fridge for one to two days after you purchased it. This is when the salmon will be freshest and can be cooked and enjoyed anytime within these two days. 

After the second day, you should either cook your salmon or freeze it if you are not ready to enjoy it (we have guidance on freezing salmon coming up later). 

Cooked Salmon 

Cooked salmon lasts longer, and can be kept in the fridge for three to four days after it has been cooked. It makes the perfect leftovers!

If you do not eat your cooked salmon within the four days, you can either freeze it or dispose of it. 

How Long Can I Keep Salmon In The Freezer? 

How long your salmon should be kept in a freezer also depends on whether the salmon is raw or cooked. Check out both of your options below. 

Raw Salmon 

Raw salmon can be frozen for up to eight months if you store it correctly. However, for best results, we recommend that you use your frozen salmon within the first three months.

The longer you leave your salmon in the freezer, the more likely it is that the condition of the salmon will deteriorate. 

Of course, this depends on how you have stored your salmon and the temperature it is stored at. 

Cooked Salmon

Cooked salmon can be kept in your freezer for two to three months before it should be consumed or discarded. 

Storing Raw Salmon In The Fridge 

Keeping raw salmon in the fridge is the most common method for storing salmon. It should be placed in your fridge as soon as you bring your raw salmon home and never left at room temperature.

Exposing your salmon to room temperature for too long can cause your salmon to go bad, so you should avoid it where possible. 

Ideally, your salmon should be kept at 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Our top tip is to fill a dish with some ice and set your salmon in it.

This should be refrigerated until you are ready to cook the salmon. This helps to keep it as fresh as possible until you are ready to enjoy it!

How Long Can Thawed Salmon Be Kept In The Fridge?

Thawed salmon that has been removed from your freezer and defrosted should only be kept in your fridge for one to two days.

After this point, you should cook your salmon. If you keep it any longer, it won’t be good and could cause food poisoning. 

How Can You Tell If Thawed Salmon Is Bad?

There are a few easy ways to tell if thawed salmon has gone bad or not. First, look at the salmon. If it is gray, green, or discolored in any way, it’s probably gone bad. 

You can also smell the salmon to see if it has gone bad. If your salmon smells off or rotten then it has gone off. If your salmon has any changes in smell you should discard it. 

Another way to tell is to touch the salmon. If the salmon feels moldy or excessively slimy, then it has gone bad and should not be consumed. 

How Long Can Cooked Salmon Last In The Fridge?

How long your cooked salmon lasts when it’s stored in the fridge depends on how the salmon is stored. Your cooked salmon should be stored in an airtight container in the fridge. 

In the correct container, with a refrigerator temperature of 40 degrees Fahrenheit or lower, your cooked salmon will last for three to four days. 

Does Salmon Last For Three Days?

Yes, provided your salmon is cooked, it can last for three days in your refrigerator. Raw salmon should not be kept longer than two days though.

You will need to book it within the first two days. After this point, your cooked salmon can be returned to the fridge and stored. 

Can Salmon Go Bad In The Fridge?

Yes, even with the best will in the world, salmon can go bad in the fridge! You cannot leave your salmon in the fridge indefinitely as it will go bad.

You only have a few days, as we mentioned earlier, to keep your salmon in the fridge before it goes bad and needs to be cooked or disposed of. 

How Long Does Frozen Salmon Last?

As we said earlier, salmon can also be stored in the freezer.

Let’s look at this in closer detail now and see how best to store salmon in the freezer, how long it will last, and everything else you need to know!

Can Cooked Salmon Go In The Freezer?

Cooked salmon can last for three to four days if stored correctly in the refrigerator. To keep your salmon for longer, it needs to be stored in your freezer.

Freezing cooked salmon will extend its shelf life, allowing you plenty of time to enjoy your salmon. 

How Long Can Salmon Stay Frozen?

We touched on this earlier, but how long your salmon can stay in the freezer depends on whether your salmon is raw or cooked before freezing. 

Cooked salmon can be frozen for up to three months. It should be stored at zero degrees Fahrenheit or lower to ensure the best results. 

Raw frozen salmon can also be frozen but has a longer shelf life. It can last for three to eight months in your freezer when kept at temperatures of zero degrees Fahrenheit or lower. 

Can Frozen Salmon Be Refrozen?

Yes, you can refreeze salmon that was previously frozen! This works best with salmon that has been stored in your refrigerator since it was removed from the freezer.

You will want to allow your salmon to thaw completely in a refrigerator before it is refrozen. 

How Long Can Salmon Be Left Out?

How Long Does Salmon Last In The Fridge (2)

You should never leave your salmon out at room temperature for longer than two hours. We recommend avoiding keeping out at room temperature at all to prevent it from going bad.

Store your salmon in the refrigerator until you are ready to cook it.

If salmon is left out at room temperature for longer than two hours it should be thrown away. This applies to raw and cooked salmon.

You don’t want to eat salmon that has been left out, as it will have gone bad and could make you unwell!

How Can I Tell If My Salmon Has Gone Bad?

There are a few easy ways you can tell if your salmon has gone bad or not. Examine your salmon carefully to see if there is anything out of the ordinary.

If your salmon seems to be off, throw it away. You don’t want to eat bad salmon as it can make you sick. 

Let’s look at the ways you can tell if your salmon is bad now. 

Look At The Salmon

Take a good look at your salmon. If it has any spots or mold on it, then your salmon has gone bad. Likewise, if it has turned gray or is discolored, it has gone bad.

Your salmon might also have a milky appearance or look extra slimy if it has gone bad. 

If your salmon looks like any of those mentioned above, it should not be eaten.

Touch The Salmon

Next, touch your salmon. Does it feel gooey or slimy? If so it has gone bad and should not be consumed. 

Smell The Salmon 

Smelling your salmon is another great way to tell if it’s gone bad. If your salmon smells off, rotten, or musty, it has likely gone bad. If your salmon has a bad smell, it needs to be thrown away. 

Taste The Salmon

If your salmon has none of the above issues, you can taste it. This step only applies to cooked salmon, do not try and eat raw salmon if you suspect that it has gone off. 

Taste your cooked salmon and if it tastes off, stop eating it completely and discard the rest of your salmon. 

Check The Expiration Date 

You can also tell if your salmon has gone bad by checking the expiration date on your salmon package. If your salmon has passed its expiration date, it should not be consumed.

If you still have some time before your expiration date, you can use this as guidance to see how long you can store your salmon for. 

Raw salmon should never be kept beyond its expiration date listed on the packaging. 

How To Tell Salmon Is Bad After Cooking 

Sometimes your salmon can go bad after it has been cooked. You can use the steps we outlined above to see if your cooked salmon is bad. 

Look at the color of your salmon to start, it should be a light pink, regardless if you have cooked it or not. Spots or gray patches on your salmon can suggest it has started turning. 

You can also check the texture, smell, and taste of your salmon to see if it has gone off or not. If you think your salmon has gone bad, do not eat it. Instead, dispose of it immediately. 

How To Properly Store Salmon 

Below are our top tips for storing salmon properly. Take a look at these now to see how you can store your salmon to ensure it stays fresh for as long as possible. 

Buy Fresh

To start, you want to purchase your salmon fresh. Fresh salmon has a delicious taste when it is cooked, you don’t want to miss out on it!

So where possible, purchase your salmon fresh at a local grocery store. 

Although frozen salmon can be cheaper, and is still a fine option, it won’t have the fresh taste that fresh salmon does.

If you can stretch your budget for fresh salmon, we suggest doing so. You won’t regret it! 

Refrigerate It Right 

Once your salmon is home, you need to refrigerate it. It is recommended that salmon is stored at 32 degrees Fahrenheit.

Most refrigerators run from 38 degrees to 40 degrees Fahrenheit, a little too hot for salmon. 

But don’t panic! You can maintain the desired temperature for salmon by storing it on a bed of ice! To do this, start by putting your salmon in a sealed plastic bag.

Leave the seal slightly open and immerse the entire bag (apart from the seal) in the water. This helps to create a vacuum seal that will keep your salmon fresh.

Next, take a large bowl or pan and fill it with ice. Place your salmon on the tip of the ice and put the entire thing in your refrigerator.

You can leave your salmon in the refrigerator for one to two days before cooking. 

How To Freeze Salmon 

Your salmon can be frozen either raw or cooked. It should be stored in either a sealable freezer bag, vacuum-sealed bag, or airtight container.

If you are storing the salmon in a bag, make sure the air is squeezed out. 

Place your salmon into the freezer at 0 degrees Fahrenheit or colder. Your raw salmon can be kept in the freezer for three to eight months, and cooked salmon can last up to three months. 

How To Defrost Salmon 

Defrosting frozen salmon is fairly easy. Simply remove your salmon from your freezer and place it into your refrigerator.

Leave your salmon in the refrigerator overnight and it will have defrosted by the morning! 

Alternatively, you can place your salmon in a bowl of cold water. Change the water every 30 minutes to stop it becoming warm.

The different temperatures in the water compared to the salmon will help it to defrost. 

Another option is to use your microwave! Set your microwave to the defrosting function and defrost your salmon this way.

You will want to place your salmon on a microwavable safe plate or bowl too. 

It is a quicker method than defrosting your salmon overnight, but you do need to cook your salmon immediately if you are using this method. 

Thawing Salmon – Which Method Is Best?

We mentioned the three possible ways you can defrost your salmon above, but which is the best way? We have more information on them below for you to decide. 

While using the microwave is the quickest method, it is safer to defrost your salmon in your refrigerator. Let’s learn more about each method now. 

Thawing Salmon In The Refrigerator (The Safest Method)

The safest way to defrost your salmon is to place it in your refrigerator overnight. To do this, take your salmon from your freezer and place it into a bowl.

Place the bowl inside your refrigerator and leave it to defrost. 

This should take eight to twelve hours, and can be done overnight, leaving you with thawed salmon when you wake up!

By thawing your salmon this way, it stays cold as it defrosts but will not be frozen in the morning. 

When you defrost your salmon this way, you can keep it in your refrigerator for one to two days before you need to cook it. 

Thawing Salmon In Cold Water (A Lot Of Attention Needed) 

Your second option is to thaw your salmon in cold water. This is a faster method than using your refrigerator, but it does require more attention from yourself.

It is worth noting that you need to use very cold water for this method. You should never use warm or hot water as it can cause your salmon to go bad! 

To do this method, fill a bowl part of the way with very cold water. Remove your salmon from the freezer and place it in the bowl.

You want your salmon to be submerged in the cold water. 

The bowl can be left on your countertop for the salmon to thaw. You need to check the water temperature regularly.

It should be changed every fifteen to thirty minutes, that way the water always stays cold.

Once your salmon has thawed, it can be cooked immediately. 

Thawing Salmon In The Microwave (Fastest Method)

The fastest way to thaw your salmon is to use the microwave. To do this, remove your salmon from the freezer and the packaging you froze it in.

How Long Does Salmon Last In The Fridge (1)

Place your salmon on a microwave-safe dish or plate. 

Place the salmon in your microwave and set it to defrost. You can also cover your salmon with a damp paper towel while it microwaves, to prevent it from drying out. 

Once the salmon has defrosted, it should be cooked immediately. You should not return your salmon to your refrigerator, as it will have begun to cook in the microwave.

Instead, cook it immediately, ensuring that your salmon is cooked completely before serving. 

Can I Refrigerate Defrosted Salmon?

The answer to this depends on how you have defrosted your salmon! If you have thawed your salmon in the refrigerator, then yes you can refrigerate it. 

However, if you use a microwave or the bowl of cold water method to thaw your salmon it should not be placed in the refrigerator when raw.

Any raw salmon that has been defrosted outside of the refrigerator should be cooked immediately. 

However, if you cook your salmon, regardless of how it was thawed, it can be placed in your refrigerator.

To store your cooked salmon, place it in an airtight container and it can be refrigerated for three to four days.

Make sure you consume your cooked salmon leftovers before they go bad.

How To Reheat Salmon 

There are a few ways that you can reheat your cooked salmon so that you can enjoy hot and tasty leftovers. You can use either a microwave, oven, or grill.

Let’s take a closer look at each of these three options now to help you find the perfect method for reheating your salmon. 


First up, we have our favorite way to reheat your salmon, using the oven. To use your oven, preheat it to 300 degrees Fahrenheit.

Next, take your salmon and place it on a baking tray. Cover it with aluminum foil and place it into your warm oven. 

Leave the salmon in the oven for ten to fifteen minutes.

If you have a temperature checker, you can leave your salmon in the oven until its internal temperature reaches 165 degrees Fahrenheit. 

Remove your salmon from the oven and enjoy the heat! 


You can also use a grill to reheat salmon if you prefer. For this method, we recommend brushing your salmon with butter or covering it with aluminum foil.

Next, place your salmon onto a grill at 300 degrees Fahrenheit. Warm your salmon until it reaches an internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit. 


Finally, you can use a microwave to reheat your salmon, but we consider this to be a last resort.

To use your microwave to reheat your salmon, place it on a microwave-safe plate and cover it with a damp paper towel. 

Add your salmon to the microwave and microwave it for 30 seconds at a time. Every 30 seconds, remove your salmon from the microwave and check it.

Continue to do so until your salmon reaches an internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit. 

This method does require more attention from you, but if it is your only option, it will still reheat your salmon. 

How To Reheat Salmon Without Drying It Out

When you reheat cooked salmon, you run the risk of it drying out and becoming tough in texture. To avoid this, you should heat your salmon in the oven.

This is the best method to prevent it from becoming tough or dry. After all, you want to enjoy your leftovers, don’t you?

To reheat your salmon in the oven, preheat your oven to 300 degrees Fahrenheit. Next, add your salmon to a baking pan and cover with aluminum foil.

You can also brush your salmon with butter if you want to. This will add some extra flavor to your salmon and can also help to keep it moist. 

Place your salmon into the oven and cook it for 10 to 15 minutes or until the internal temperature reaches 165 degrees Fahrenheit. 

How Long Can Cooked Salmon Be Left Out?

Cooked salmon should not be left out for any longer than two hours. Regardless if your salmon is raw or cooked, it should not be left out at room temperature.

The longer you leave your fish out at room temperature, the higher the risk of it growing bacteria becomes. If you eat the fish, it can make you unwell. 

Be sure to only leave your fish out while you are serving it and immediately refrigerate your freeze afterward. 

It’s worth noting that the two-hour rule we have mentioned when it comes to fish applies when the fish is kept between forty and ninety degrees Fahrenheit.

If your fish is left in temperatures higher than ninety degrees it should only be in these temperatures for an hour or less. Any longer and it will go bad! 

How Long Is Cooked Salmon Good For?

Cooked salmon is good for different times depending on how it is stored. If you leave your cooked salmon out, you get about two hours before it goes bad.

Refrigerated cooked salmon can be kept for three to four days providing it is stored at temperatures of 40 degrees Fahrenheit or less. 

Cooked salmon can also be frozen and stored at temperatures of zero degrees Fahrenheit or below for up to three months. 

How To Choose The Best Salmon 

When choosing your salmon, there are a few things that you should keep in mind. These will help you select the best and freshest salmon every time!

We have broken the factors down into smaller sections for you to check out now and become a salmon expert! 


First, you want to look at the appearance of the salmon. Avoid any salmon where there are fractures in the fish’s muscles.

This can be a sign that the fish is starting to rot. 

You will also want to look at the color of the salmon. You want a salmon that is orange colored or bright pink.

The packaging can also help you tell if the salmon is fresh or not. You want to avoid salmon that has not been vacuum sealed.

This can sometimes collect water, which can help bacteria grow in the salmon. 


If the salmon has a strong fishy smell, smells rotten, or sour, it should be avoided. Instead, opt for salmon that has a clean sea smell to it.

Trust us, you will be able to tell the difference easily! 


Finally, look at the texture of the salmon.

If it is pink and bounces back when touched, it is fresh! You want to buy fresh salmon, so press it slightly to see if it bounces back. 

If it doesn’t or is soft, slimy, or sticky, don’t buy it! 

Choosing Frozen Salmon

There are some factors you should consider when purchasing frozen salmon too. Consider the color and appearance of your salmon, along with the packaging of it.

Avoid any salmon where the packaging has been damaged, as this could allow bacteria to enter and grow. 

Also, look to see if there is any frost inside the packaging. If there is, the salmon is likely to have freezer burn or been frozen for a long time.

Both of these can impact the consistency and taste of the salmon and should be avoided! 

Final Thoughts 

And there you have it! Salmon can last from two to four days in your fridge, depending on whether it has been cooked or not.

Salmon can also be stored in your freezer for up to eight months, giving you plenty of time to enjoy your tasty fish. 

To store your salmon, make sure to use the tips and tricks we have suggested. By storing it correctly, your salmon will stay fresh for as long as possible.

If you are unsure whether your salmon is safe to eat or not, be sure to use your senses to judge.

Taste, touch, smell, and sight are good indicators as to whether your salmon is safe to eat or not. 

Be sure to check thoroughly before eating that your salmon is good and you can enjoy tasty salmon, even your leftovers.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Before you leave us today, be sure to check out our brief FAQ section to find the answers to your last-minute questions.

What Happens If I Eat Bad Salmon?

Eating bad salmon can make you sick, and can even be fatal! You should avoid eating bad salmon at all costs. If you are ever unsure if salmon is good or not, it is best to avoid eating it. 

Bad salmon can give you an upset stomach, with similar symptoms of food poisoning. You might find you have vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, headache, fatigue, or dizziness.

These symptoms can pass after 48 hours, but you should seek medical advice if you become concerned, your symptoms worsen, or you have a pre-existing medical condition.

Will Cooked Salmon Give Me Food Poisoning?

Provided you have cooked your salmon correctly and it has an internal temperature of 145 degrees Fahrenheit, it should not give you food poisoning.

You will also need to ensure that your salmon has been stored correctly. 

If your salmon has not been stored correctly or has gone bad, it could give you food poisoning.

Remember to check if your salmon has gone bad before you consume it to prevent making yourself unwell!

What Is The Best Way To Use Leftover Salmon?

There are lots of ways you can use leftover salmon! You can reheat your salmon and enjoy it as it is, or you can add it to some pasta salad, lettuce salad, or any other dish you enjoy!

Another option is to turn your salmon into a salmon dip. 

You have endless possibilities when it comes to your leftover salmon. We enjoy it warmed up with some couscous and salad, or as a tasty sandwich filler, but the choice is yours!

Can I Reheat Cooked Salmon More Than 2 Times?

Although some people say you can reheat salmon more than two times, we do not recommend it.

The more you reheat your salmon, the more you risk it drying out and the skin becoming tough, and nobody wants that! 

Where possible, you only want to reheat your cooked salmon a maximum of two times. Any more times and it isn’t going to taste as good as it should! 

When reheating your cooked salmon, you can brush it with some butter to add some extra moisture and flavor, to prevent it from drying out!

You can also add additional seasoning or marinades if you prefer or found the flavor when you ate the salmon last to be lacking.

Is Cooked Salmon Safe To Eat Cold?

Yes, cooked salmon is safe to eat cold! Cold salmon is lovely to enjoy in a sandwich or part of your lunch and you don’t need to heat up cooked salmon to enjoy it again!

It’s perfect for those in a rush that don’t have time to put the salmon in the oven. 

However, you still need to ensure that you have stored your cooked salmon correctly. Your cooked salmon should have been kept in a refrigerator and not been left for longer than three days.

If the salmon is older than three days, discard it and do not consume it.

About Maria Foster
Maria Foster
Maria Foster is a mother of 3 and she and her husband of 23 years share their home with 2 faithful dogs. Besides being CEO of the household and active in her community, Maria is the lead contributor to Food Champs and loves to try new food ideas and kitchen accessories to make easier and more delicious meals.
Maria Foster
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