If you’re searching for diastatic malt powder, check the baking aisle first, near the flour and sweeteners. Since you can also use diastatic malt powder for liquor and beer making, look in the liquor aisle if you don’t find it at first.
Where to Buy Diastatic Malt Powder Near Me
It’s easiest to purchase diastatic malt powder online because it’s a specialty ingredient that you might struggle to find, even in popular grocery store chains.
Amazon is the largest marketplace where you can see various options. But e-commerce stores that sell beer-making kits, bread-making kits, or baked goods might also carry the product.
If not online, try a local store with an extensive range of specialty baking products.
- Amazon – Amazon sells diastatic malt powder in singular packages from various vendors, but you can also get it in bulk and save money. They also carry vegan malt powder, which is hard to find.
- Walmart – Walmart carries notable brands of diastatic malt powder, such as Hoosier Hill Farm. Check the powdered drink mix and baking aisles for the malt powder.
You can also use the store locator on Walmart.com to see if it’s in stock at any location near you.
- Whole Foods – Whole Foods is known for having different brands of diastatic malt powder in the baking aisle. Some of the most popular brands include Aunt Patty’s Barley Malt Powder.
- Local Baking Shops – Try to drop by your local bakery or baking goods store to check for diastatic malt powder.
- King Arthur Baking – King Arthur offers ethically-sourced diastatic malt powder at a great price.
- BreadTopia – BreadTopia carries 100 percent pure diastatic Malted barley flour. There are no fillers or sugar added. This company is preferred by bakers that like to use all-natural ingredients.
How to Store Rock Salt
If you need to store rock salt, grab a container that you can seal airtight and protect it from moisture and humidity. You don’t want it to get hard and start clumping because of the elements.
You should be in good shape if you’ve never opened the rock salt.
Rock salt doesn’t have any expiration date, much like kosher and table salt. It will never spoil since it’s an essential mineral (sodium chloride).
Generally speaking, salt used in cooking, such as Kosher salt and table salt, is made by locating underground salt deposits and flooding them with fresh water.
Afterward, the manufacturer extracts the water, and then the remaining water is evaporated, leaving behind pure salt crystals.
Conversely, rock salt is dug from the ground directly, allowing it to keep its original cube-shaped crystalline form.
Since rock salt comprises other minerals and impurities, humans typically can’t consume it.
But there are some culinary applications for rock salts, such as keeping coolers cold and making ice cream.
Common Ways to Use Diastatic Malt Powder
Sprouted barley contains diastase enzymes used to make diastatic malt. You can also find diastatic malt in rice and wheat grains.
Diastatic malt is placed into bread formulations to adjust fermentation time or to correct enzyme activity. It’s also used in baking as a sweetener.
Bread bakers around the world use diastatic malt powder to make their products.
The powder is popular in bread because it creates a nice brown crust, a substantial rise in the bread, and a delightful texture.
If there’s ever a situation where malt powder does not get added to your flour, diastatic malt powder can be an excellent substitution for most recipes.
Additional Uses:
Color: Subtracts for a Maillard reaction and imparts a brownish color.
Flavor: Gives signature flavor profile to baked goods.
Nutrition: Contains essential amino acids and vitamins.
Extend Shelf Life: Reduces microbial growth by depriving the organisms of water because it traps water.
Fermenting: Helps to fortify the gluten network and provides food for yeast. Improves the loaf’s texture and volume.
What to Get Instead
We’ve taken the liberty of providing viable substitutes such as honey, molasses, and sugar—to name a few common ingredients that you may already have at home instead of diastatic malt powder.
Diastatic malt powder can be a difficult commodity to find, and it may not always be available in your kitchen.
The most popular options, such as malted milk powders, maca powder, and malt syrup, are excellent substitutions and can be found in-store or online.
- Malted milk powder: Although malted milk powder does not have the active enzymes needed to allow the yeast to feed and cause the dough to rise, it does have a nutty flavor that you can add to baked goods.
- Malted syrup: This syrup comes from malt, sweetener, barley, protein, and other chemical substances. It provides baked goods with a kick of sugariness comparable to malt powder.
- Honey: Some people feel that there’s no perceptible difference with the final product of baked goods when using honey in place of diastatic malt powder. Likely due to the high sugar content of honey, allowing the yeast to feed off of it, helping the bread to rise.
- Maca root powder: Even though it does not have active enzymes, it does contain a similar flavor to that of malt milk powder.
- Coconut milk powder: This has a sweet and rich flavor that you can add to curries, baked goods, and even smoothies.
- Molasses: The sugar in molasses will undoubtedly allow the yeast to feed, helping the good to rise. The flavor will be much different since molasses has a distinct taste.
- Sugar: The yeast will feed off the sugar making the finished product indistinguishable from the baked goods with diastatic malt powder.