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List Of Fruits That Start With C: 30 Incredible Fruits

Maria Foster
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by Maria Foster

It is estimated that there are around 2000 different types of fruit that humans can find across the world.

Not only are they delicious, but each one is packed with a unique flavor profile as well as essential nutrients and vitamins that promote a healthy lifestyle.

30 Incredible Fruits That Begin With The Letter C

Trying to discover new fruits can be a great way of adding new, healthy foods to your diet. 

However, trying to find new and exciting fruits can be a difficult endeavor.

You’ll often find that many grocery stores only stock the same kinds of fruit as always, and if you’re more adventurous, it can be difficult to find something that is both new and healthy. 

In this article, we’re going to explore the category of fruits that all begin with the letter “C.”

From commonly known types to more exotic creations, we’re going to give you a list that will allow you to experience new textures, flavors, and nutritional benefits.

So let’s get started and take a look at 30 fruits that begin with the letter C. 

30 Fruits That Begin With C

1. Cherimoya

Cherimoya, also known as “custard apple,” is a South American tropical fruit. It has a green, scaly exterior and sweet, fragrant creamy white flesh.

The flavor is frequently described as a mix of banana, pineapple, and strawberry. Cherimoya contains vitamin C, B vitamins, and dietary fiber. It can be enjoyed on its own or used in desserts and smoothies.

2. Clementine

Clementines are small, sweet citrus fruits that are a cross between oranges and mandarins. They have a bright orange color and are easy to peel.

Clementines contain a lot of vitamin C, antioxidants, and fiber. They are a popular snack for both children and adults due to their refreshing flavor and convenient size.

3. Cranberry

Cranberries are native to North America and are tart, ruby-red berries. They are commonly used in sauces, juices, and baked goods and are frequently associated with Thanksgiving.

Cranberries contain a lot of antioxidants, vitamin C, and fiber. They’re also well-known for their potential health benefits, particularly in terms of urinary tract health.

4. Currant

Currants are small, dark berries that grow on shrubs in clusters. They are available in three colors: black, red, and white.

Currants are tangy and sweet, making them an excellent addition to jams, jellies, and baked goods. They are a good source of vitamin C, potassium, and antioxidants.

5. Coconut

The coconut fruit is a tropical fruit with a hard, brown shell and a sweet, refreshing interior. It’s popular in both sweet and savory dishes, as well as drinks.

Coconuts have a unique combination of healthy fats, dietary fiber, and minerals like potassium and manganese. They also contain coconut water, which is a hydrating and electrolyte-rich beverage.

6. Cantaloupe

Cantaloupe, also known as muskmelon, is a sweet, fragrant melon with juicy flesh. It has textured, netted skin that is a bright orange color.

Cantaloupes are high in vitamin C, vitamin A, and potassium. They can be eaten as a light snack, added to fruit salads, or blended into smoothies.

7. Cactus Pear

Cactus pear, also called prickly pear or tunas, is a fruit that grows on the pads of certain species of cacti. It has a thick, spiny exterior that needs to be carefully removed to reveal its vibrant, juicy flesh.

Cactus pears come in different colors, including red, yellow, and green. They are rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, and dietary fiber.

8. Cherries

Cherries are small, round fruits that range in color from red to yellow to black. They have a sweet and tart flavor and can be eaten fresh or used in a variety of culinary creations.

Cherries contain a lot of antioxidants, vitamin C, and fiber. 

They are also thought to have anti-inflammatory properties and may aid in the improvement of sleep quality.

9. Cloudberry

Cloudberry is a golden-orange fruit that grows in cold climates such as Europe’s, North America’s, and Asia’s Arctic regions.

It has a unique flavor that combines tartness with a hint of sweetness. Cloudberry is a popular ingredient in jams, preserves, and desserts. 

This fruit is high in vitamin C, vitamin E, and antioxidants, all of which are good for the immune system and overall health.

10. Crabapple

Crabapple is a small, tart fruit that looks like a mini-apple. They are available in a variety of colors, including red, yellow, and green.

Crabapples are commonly used to make jellies, jams, and cider, and are not typically consumed raw due to their sour taste. They are high in vitamin C and dietary fiber, making them a nutritious addition to your diet.

11. Citron

Citron is a large citrus fruit with a thick, bumpy rind. It is primarily used for its aromatic zest, which gives culinary creations a distinct flavor.

Citron is frequently candied and used in desserts such as fruitcakes and citrus-flavored sweets. It is a good source of vitamin C and can add a tangy freshness to your recipes.

12. Custard Apple

is a tropical fruit with green, bumpy skin and creamy, custard-like flesh. It is also known as “bullock’s heart” or “sugar apple.” It has a sweet flavor reminiscent of vanilla and pineapple.

Custard apples are high in vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants. It can be eaten as a dessert fruit or added to milkshakes and smoothies.

13. Calamondin

Calamondin is a small, sour citrus fruit that looks like a small orange. Because of its tangy flavor, it is frequently used in Filipino and Southeast Asian cuisine.

Calamondin can be used in the preparation of juices, sauces, and marinades.

It is high in vitamin C and antioxidants. Calamondin, despite its sour taste, adds a zesty punch to dishes.

14. Camu Camu

Camu Camu is a small round fruit found in the Amazon rainforest. It has vibrant, red or purple skin and a tangy flavor.

Camu Camu is one of nature’s richest sources of vitamin C, with more than 50 times the amount found in oranges. It is also high in antioxidants and may have immune-boosting properties.

15. Carambola

Carambola, also known as star fruit, is a tropical fruit that slices into a distinctive star shape. It has a sweet and tangy flavor that makes it popular in fruit salads and beverages.

Carambola contains a lot of vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants. It’s also low in calories, making it a good choice for those trying to lose weight.

16. Cashew Apple

The edible accessory fruit of the cashew tree, which is native to Northeast Brazil, is the cashew apple. It has a pear shape and juicy yellow or red flesh. 

Although not as well-known as its seed (the cashew nut), the cashew apple has a sweet and slightly tangy flavor.

The fruit is frequently used in the preparation of jams, jellies, and beverages. It is rich in vitamin C and provides a good amount of fiber.

17. Cactus Fig

Cactus fig, also known as barbary fig or prickly pear, is a fruit that grows on the pads of certain cactus species.

It has thick, spiny skin that must be carefully peeled away to reveal the sweet and juicy flesh beneath. 

Cactus figs are available in a variety of colors, including yellow, purple, and red. They have a distinct sweetness to them and are frequently used in jams, desserts, and jellies.

Cactus figs contain high levels of vitamin C, dietary fiber, and antioxidants.

18. Currant Tomato

Currant tomato, also known as berry tomato or grape tomato, is a small, bite-sized fruit that looks similar to a cherry tomato. It comes in a variety of colors, including red, yellow, and orange. 

Currant tomatoes have a sweet and tangy flavor and are frequently used as a garnish or eaten fresh in salads. They are high in vitamin C, A, and lycopene, a potent antioxidant with potential health benefits.

19. Chinese Bayberry

Chinese bayberry, also known as yangmei or waxberry, is a small East Asian fruit. The skin is red or purple, and the flesh is sweet and juicy.

Fresh Chinese bayberries are popular, but they are also used in jams, sauces, and alcoholic beverages.

They’re high in vitamin C, antioxidants, and fiber. Chinese bayberries are prized not only for their flavor but also for their potential medicinal properties.

20. Cape Gooseberry

The Cape gooseberry, also known as physalis or ground cherry, is a small fruit with a papery husk. It has a sweet and tart flavor that is reminiscent of pineapple and tomato. 

Cape gooseberries are delicious raw, in desserts, and in jams and sauces. They are rich in vitamin C, antioxidants, and dietary fiber. Cape gooseberries are also known for their high content of pectin, a natural thickening agent.

21. Chayote

Next up we have Chayote, also known as the vegetable pear or mirliton. This is a gourd fruit that is green and wrinkled.

It has a mild, crisp texture and a subtle flavor that, when cooked, takes on the flavor of other ingredients. Chayote is used in a variety of dishes, including stir-fries, salads, and soups. It is a good source of vitamin C, dietary fiber, and potassium.

22. Chinese Quince

Chinese quince, also known as mugua or Chinese apple, is a lumpy, yellow-green apple-like fruit. It has a crisp texture and a tart flavor.

Chinese quince is frequently used in cooking and is popular for making jams, jellies, and preserves.

It is high in vitamin C, dietary fiber, and antioxidants. Chinese quince is also believed to have digestive and immune-boosting properties.

23. Cornelian Cherry

A cornelian cherry is a small, tart fruit native to Europe and Western Asia that grows on the cornelian cherry tree. It has bright red or yellow skin and a sour taste similar to cranberries.

Cornelian cherries are frequently used in the preparation of jams, syrups, and liqueurs. They are high in vitamin C, antioxidants, and anthocyanins, all of which are good for your heart.

24. Cempedak

Cempedak is a tropical fruit from the same family as jackfruit. It has rough, spiky skin with soft, sweet flesh. Cempedak has a distinct aroma and flavor that combines sweetness with hints of tropical spices.

It is commonly eaten fresh or used in desserts,

25. Currant Tree

The currant tree, also known as jujube or Chinese date, is a small, round fruit that grows on a buckthorn tree. It has thin, edible skin and a sweet, apple-like flavor.

Currant tree fruits, which can be eaten fresh or dried, are frequently used in traditional Chinese medicine due to their potential health benefits. They are high in vitamin C, antioxidants, and dietary fiber.

26. Custard Plum

Custard plum, also known as cainito or star apple, is a tropical fruit with purple or green skin and sweet, custard-like flesh. It gets its name from the fruit’s creamy texture, which resembles custard. 

Custard plums are typically consumed fresh and can be used in desserts, smoothies, or as a yogurt topping. They are a good source of dietary fiber and vitamin C.

27. Cupuacu

Cupuacu is a fruit native to the Amazon rainforest that has earned the moniker “Amazonian superfruit.” It has a brown, hard shell and a soft, white pulp with a creamy, chocolate-like flavor. 

Cupuacu is a versatile fruit that can be used in juices, ice creams, desserts, and even as a cosmetic base. Like so many on this list, it can be considered a good source of vitamins and minerals.

28. Citrus Junos

Citrus junos, also known as yuzu, is a small citrus fruit from East Asia. It has a tangy, aromatic flavor with yellow or greenish-yellow skin. 

Yuzu is a popular ingredient in Japanese cuisine, especially in sauces, dressings, and desserts. Its zest and juice give dishes a distinct citrusy flavor. Yuzu is a good source of vitamin C and antioxidants.

29. Capulin Cherry

Capulin cherry, also known as wild cherry or Prunus serotina, is a small American fruit. The skin is a deep red-to-black color, and the flesh is sweet and juicy.

Capulin cherries are commonly consumed fresh or used in jams, jellies, and pies. They are high in antioxidants, vitamin C, and potassium.

30. Carissa

For the final fruit on our list, we have the Carissa Fruit. Carissa is a tropical fruit in the Apocynaceae family. It comes in a variety of varieties and is also known as Natal plum or amatungulu. 

Carissa fruits are bright red or purple in color and have a sweet, tangy flavor. They’re commonly found in jams, sauces, and desserts.

Carissa fruits contain a lot of vitamin C, antioxidants, and fiber – making them a great choice if you’re looking for something that is both healthy and unique. 

Final Thoughts

So that was our extensive list of 30 fruits that begin with the letter C. Hopefully, this list has given you an idea of the variety of unique fruits out there that you can try.

If you have some additional questions about these fruits, or fruit in general, keep reading for a comprehensive frequently asked questions section. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Are All Of These Fruits In Season?

Availability may differ depending on your location and the time of year. Some fruits, such as cherries and cantaloupes, are widely available in supermarkets.

Exotic fruits like cempedak and calamondin may be harder to find in some areas. 

More exotic fruits, such as cempedak and calamondin, may be more difficult to find in some areas. Check with local markets, specialty stores, or online vendors that sell a wide range of fruits.

Can Everyone Enjoy These Fruits?

While these fruits are generally safe and healthy to eat, any allergies or special dietary needs should be considered.

Individuals with nut allergies, for example, should exercise caution when eating cashew apples. 

People with certain medical conditions may also need to limit their consumption of fruits high in natural sugars, such as cherimoya or custard apples.

If you have any concerns, you should make sure to speak with a healthcare professional or a nutritionist.

How Can I Include These Fruits In My Diet?

These fruits can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. You can eat them as a refreshing snack, add them to fruit salads, blend them into smoothies, or use them to make delectable desserts. 

Many of these fruits can also be used in savory dishes, such as adding diced cactus pear to a salsa or Chinese quince to a chutney.

Explore recipes online or get creative in the kitchen to make the most of these diverse and flavorful fruits.

Do These Fruits Offer Any Health Benefits?

Every one of these fruits has a variety of health benefits. They are high in vitamins, antioxidants, dietary fiber, and other essential nutrients.

Vitamin C, for example, is required for immune function and collagen production. 

Antioxidants help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. Fiber in a person’s diet aids digestion and promotes satiety.

However, keep in mind that individual nutritional needs vary, and a well-balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables is essential for overall health.

About Maria Foster
Maria Foster
Maria Foster is a mother of 3 and she and her husband of 23 years share their home with 2 faithful dogs. Besides being CEO of the household and active in her community, Maria is the lead contributor to Food Champs and loves to try new food ideas and kitchen accessories to make easier and more delicious meals.
Maria Foster
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